Monday, October 24, 2011

Impressions of the North Cascades from Westside School

Westside students share their Impressions of the North Cascades back at their home classroom. 

Westside School fifth graders, from Seattle, joined us at Mountain School from September 26-28. Students participated in our Ecosystems Exploration and Water Quality Investigation programs that had them both hiking on our trails and turning over rocks in our streams. During a post-trip class visit, students composed these "Impressions of the North Cascades." Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts on this special place, Westside!

"In the North Cascades, it was often cold and chilly, but for the most part, I was warm bundled up in my clothes. I could hear the rain falling on the leaves and it sounded like music. The streams tumbled and flowed smoothly through the forests full of moss and different trees. It smelled of cedar and the mountains rose into the sky like big giants. Bright white snow was visible in some places on the mountains, coating them like sugar."  - Annika

"In the North Cascades there are rich, tall, majestic trees. The birds call out. The trees sway, as if dancing in a breeze. The clouds give way and rain pours down. Animals hide in warm, mossy homes. Mountains feel like friendly giants, reassuring forms in the background. We hike up a trail, coming to rest at a lake. It gently rocks and flows as rain patters. Slowly, slowly the sun comes out. It warms the earth. Everything is warm and welcoming."  - Jordan

"The North Cascades were one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. The mountains were so tall you could think they go on forever. The forest was so lush, green, and wonderful it was almost magical. It was so peaceful, with only the birds chirping and the water running."  - Anna

"When I come into the forest, I feel at peace. I can't hear anything except the birds and the mountains. It makes me feel like I am in my home away from home. The trees, the cool fresh dirt, the hiking. I sometimes even want to live in the North Cascades forest. I just love it."  - Greta

Leading photo by Rick Allen. Other photos by Jessica Newley. 

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