Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Mountain School is in Session!

by Kiira Heymann. 

On a clear March Monday morning, school buses returned to the North Cascades National Park and North Cascades Institute staff and graduate students welcomed the first batch of Mountain Schoolers of the spring season to the Environmental Learning Center.

Fifth grade students from Silver Beach Elementary in Bellingham participated in our Ecosystems Explorations curriculum and were able to enjoy both the sun and snow at the start of the week while learning about the biotic and abiotic elements of the North Cascades. Cascade High School’s A.P. Environmental Science class joined us from Everett and three trail groups divided time between Aquatic Investigations and Carnivore Curriculum studies.  Here are a few highlights from an amazing first week of spring Mountain School. 

School bus drives down the dam road in the shadow of snowy Pyramid Peak. Picture by Jack McLeod.

Ranger Carolyn orients Silver Beach students on the first day of Mountain School. Photo by Jessica Newley. 

Graduate student Erin Soper teaches Silver Beach students about glaciers on the shores of Diablo Lake. Photo by Jessica Newley. 

Graduate student Jacob Belsher leads Cascade High School students on the Diablo Dam trail. Photo by Jack McLeod. 

Cascade High School students search for macro-invertebrates in Gorge Lake for the Aquatic Investigations curriculum. Photo by Jack McLeod. 

Cascade High School students pose at the Diablo Lake beach. Photo by Jack McLeod. 


  1. Mt. School Silent Hike
    By Whitney Sloan
    Silver Beach 5th Grade

    Have you ever gotten to hike by yourself in the woods? Well, at Mt. School I did. While hiking, you find clues in the snow to what to do or how to get to your destination. You might have to hug a tree, sniff the dirt, or close your eyes and listen! The feeling of being by yourself in the woods, makes you feel connected to nature. Listening to the birds call, the snow falling, or the water rushing made me feel relaxed. All in all, having it just be you and nature is a great feeling.

  2. My Mountain School Memory
    By Keenan Rice
    Silver Beach 5th Grade

    Snow. Snow. Snow. I love snow! The snow at Mountain School was amazing. When we got there it was cold but bone dry. We had a lot of fun but, I think day two was the best. We all woke up to a foot of snow! That day my trail group went up to Sourdough Mountain. The whole time it was snowing. Oh, and the scenery (which was my favorite part). The trees covered in snow like a cold Christmas tree. What a sight with the white snow everywhere you look. You could barely tell its march. We also got to make animal tracks. I had a black bear. Eric and I made a fake hunt scene. It was so fun.

  3. Mountain School is so more than a school atop that snowy mountain. As I said in the closing circle, I wish that all 5th graders could experience Mt. School. At Mt. School you can learn so much about the North Cascades. Even though it might be hard for some kids to leave home for long, it still is one of the best parts of 5th grade! The meals at Mt. School are local and delicious! The cabins are cozy and clean! Also you can hear, see, and learn about animals. Again, I wish all 5th graders could experience Mt. School!

    By Bailey Bosteter
    Silver Beach 5th Grade
